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Subscription Management
Subscription Management

How to manage various aspects of our subscription plans

Ian Carter avatar
Written by Ian Carter
Updated over 2 months ago


Upgrading your existing plan is very easy to perform.

While logged in to your account, click on the icon in the top right-hand corner and select Billing

On the left-hand side of the screen, you will see "Your Subscription"

Click on "Change Plan" and you will come to this screen

Here, you can select the plan you would like to upgrade to, as well as select either monthly or annual billing.

Subscription plans are based on the number of active rentals in your account, so you will be asked to indicate how many rentals you wish to include.

The number of rentals can be increased in the future by navigating to this page, and clicking on Add Rentals

PLEASE NOTE: Annual billing is at a discounted rate but, annual billing is non-refundable.


PLEASE NOTE: If you are wanting to downgrade from an Annual Billing plan, there is no proration/rebate/refund on previously paid fees. You should only downgrade at, or very near, to the end of your annual billing cycle.

Downgrading your existing plan very easy to perform.

While logged in to your account, click on the icon in the top right-hand corner and select Billing

On the left-hand side of the screen, you will see "Your Subscription"

Click on "Change Plan" and you will come to this screen

Here, you can select the plan you would like to downgrade to, as well as select either monthly or annual billing.

Subscription plans are based on the number of active rentals in your account, so you will be asked to indicate how many rentals you wish to include.

If you want to, or only need to, decrease the number of rentals, you can do so by, clicking on Remove Rental.

You will be asked how many rentals you want to remove.

Example: if you have 40 Rentals, and you want to remove 2, you would indicate 2 AND NOT 38. It is the number of rentals to be removed, not the number of rentals that will remain active.

PLEASE NOTE: Annual billing is at a discounted rate but, annual billing is non-refundable. This includes annual billing for the number of active rentals. Removing 2 active rentals part way through your annual billing cycle will not result in a refund/rebate.

Switching between Monthly and Annual Billing

PLEASE NOTE: Annual billing is at a discounted rate and is non-refundable. Switching from Annual to monthly billing will not result in a proration/refund/rebate of previously paid fees. If you are wanting to switch to Monthly billing, from Annual Billing, we recommend doing so at, or near, the end of your Annual billing cycle

To switch billing frequency, navigate to the Billing tab

Then click "Change Plan" under your current subscription

Then change the Monthly <-> Annual Selector to the billing frequency you would like to change to.

SMS Plans

To Add an SMS Plan to your account, log in and navigate to the Billing Page

On the Billing Page you will see a box titled Add On Subscription. In the box click "Change Plan"

Here you will see the various SMS plans that we offer. Simply click on "Subscribe Now" beside the plan that you wish to subscribe to.

You can also change your plan using the same process and clicking on "Subscribe Now" beside the plan you want to change to. This applies to both Upgrading and Downgrading your plan.

PLEASE NOTE: It is not currently possible to cancel an SMS subscription from your Billing Page (current as of Dec 1, 2024).

If you want to cancel your SMS subscription completely, which will disable ALL SMS messaging in your account, please email [email protected] and include the following information:

  1. Your ChargeAutomation Account ID Number, which can be found under Profile

  2. Your Current SMS Plan

  3. A clear statement that you wish to cancel your SMS plan completely, and that you understand that SMS features will stop working in your account.

Custom Domain

Ending a Custom Domain Subscription

To end your Custom Domain subscription, log in to your ChargeAutomation account and open the profile menu in the top right-hand corner

Click in Custom Domain, and you will be brought to this screen.

Click on Remove, to deactivate your Custom Domain and end billing for the subscription.

Please note the following:

  • ALL existing links pointing to your Custom Domain will stop working IMMEDIATELY. You WILL need to send existing guests the standard pre-check-in link manually, as this does not happen automatically.

  • Billing is NOT prorated if you cancel before the end of a billing cycle. You WILL NOT receive a refund, full or partial, for any unused time.

Starting a Custom Domain Subscription

To start a new Custom Domain subscription, please follow the instructions found here:

At the conclusion of the setup process, once the Custom Domain is verified, simply click "Activate" to start the subscription and set the Custom Domain live.

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