STEP 1: Log in to Beds24 and go to Settings > Account > Account Access
STEP 2: Scroll down to API Key 1 section of the page and Create your own unique API Key.
API Key - exampleapikey12345 (This is at least 16-character unique key and whats given here is an example only) .
API Key Access - Set this to "allow whitelist IP only".
IP Whitelist -
Allow Writes - Set this to "Yes".
Property Access - Set this to "Owned or linked to this account".
Then click Save.
STEP 3: Go to Settings > Properties > Access. Each property requires a unique propKey. Please create a new key for every property you have.
Set 'Body Data' = CVC and Token.
Then click Save.
STEP 4: "Save all cards to Stripe" set to "No"
STEP 5: Copy the Account API key from Step 2 and paste it in ChargeAutomation setup page.