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Bookings Menu

Cathy Yap avatar
Written by Cathy Yap
Updated over 2 years ago

In this section, you can view all past and future reservations listed in your company.

Payment Status

Payment status is shown on the rightmost part of each booking.

Paid: Reservation charge is paid
Scheduled: Payment will be charged according to Payment Schedule
Not Enabled: Payment rules not enabled
Not Supported: Booking source not supported
OTA Collect: Payment collected by OTA
Overdue: Awaiting approval to be processed
Voided: Cancelled or manually voided booking

Security Deposit

Status and Authorized amount for Security Deposit is shown here.

Reservation Amount

This will show the Reservation Amount and Balance to collect based on your Payment Schedule on Payment Rules setup.

ID / Guest / Check-in / Check-out

The Booking ID, Guest Names, Check-in/out Dates will be listed here.

Go to detail

More information about the booking is shown by clicking on "Go to detail".

Summary of the “Go to detail” section: 

1. Booking Detail
2. Payments
3. Guest Experience
4. Upsell
5. Documents
6. Questionnaire
7. Activity Log
8. Sent Emails

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