ChargeAutomation allows you to easily review upcoming bookings and the status of all payments including the initial booking fee, security/damage deposits and additional charges for any extra features offered at your property. If changes to a booking occur that require you to cancel a charge or authorization, you can do so in ChargeAutomation by following the steps below.
In ChargeAutomation, select Bookings and locate the particular booking you are looking for. Take advantage of our filter options which allow you to search by name, booking number and date. Once you find the booking, expand to reveal additional details by selecting the downward arrow (located beneath the check-out date).
You will find each of the scheduled payments for that booking under Payment Schedule. Identify the charge you wish to adjust and select the small downward arrow in the top right corner of that charge.
Once you select the arrow, you will be presented with a list of actions that you are able to perform specific to this charge. In order to cancel this charge, select Void.
The system will request your confirmation, and once you have confirmed, the status of the charge will update to Voided.
This charge has been voided and will no longer be processed.