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PayPal Gateway Guide

Written by Rowen D
Updated over a week ago

Services and Compatibility

Payment Gateway Company Name: PayPal
Services that work with ChargeAutomation: ✅Paypal Payments Pro, Paypal Payments Standard, Paypal Payments Advanced
Supported operations: ✅Purchase, Authorize, Capture, Refund, Void, Verify
Supported payment types: ✅Credit Card, Paypal
3D Secure 1 Supported: ❎No
3D Secure 2 Supported: ❎No
Regions: ✅Asia Pacific, Europe, North America
API endpoint URL:

Authentication and Security

Specific names for credentials: 

  • signature mode:
    Login, Password, Signature

  • certificate mode:
    Login, Password, PEM Certificate

  • delegate mode:
    PayPal Email

Onboarding Merchants in:

  •  Canada

  •  New Zealand

  •  United Kingdom

  •  United States

Additional Notes

ChargeAutomation gives you full control over the look and feel of your payment page. If you are going to use PayPal as your payment gateway for accepting credit cards then you must have a PayPal Payments Pro account. Pro is the only PayPal account that supports having your own unique payments page/form. If PayPal Payments Pro isn’t offered in your region you have two options:

  • Find out if Payflow Pro is offered in your region. Payflow Pro will still allow you to completely control the payment form and checkout process.

  • Review our Offsite Payment Gateway documentation. Using the offsite payment flow will not allow you to completely control your payment page/form nor will it allow you to accept credit cards. You will however be able to offer Paypal as a payment type.

If offering PayPal as a payment type is important you can always use a traditional gateway like Stripe, Braintree, or PayMill for credit cards and then use PayPal Payments Standard as a secondary gateway for PayPal payments.

If using special characters, please check the merchant settings in your Paypal dashboard and allow for these. Not doing so may result in a callback error from ChargeAutomation, “Unverified call: probably not from PayPal”. Please reach out to Paypal Support with any questions about making changes to your merchant settings.

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