What is a STAN or ARN Number
STAN or ARN Numbers are unique reference numbers that allow for the tracking, or tracing, of a transaction (charge or authorization) through the various steps that take place.
A single payment can go through as many as 6 separate steps before it is finally complete, and the merchant has received the funds. These reference numbers allow for the tracing/tracking through all of those steps.
Where Can I find the STAN or ARN Number
These numbers can only be found in your payment processor/gateway account. ChargeAutomation does not receive, or have, these numbers.
Typically, simply logging in to your payment processor/gateway account, searching for, and opening the details of the transaction in question is all that is needed.
If you are not able to find the STAN/ARN number on your own, you will need to reach out to the support staff for your payment processor/gateway to get assistance in finding the number. ChargeAutomation support is, unfortunately, not able to assist in retrieving the STAN/ARN number as we don't have access to it.