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Digitzs Gateway Guide

Written by Rowen D
Updated over a week ago

Services and Compatibility

Payment Gateway Company Name: Digitzs
Services that work with ChargeAutomation: ✅Digitzs
Supported operations: ✅Purchase,Refund, Store
Unsupported operations: ❎Authorize, Capture, Void
Supported payment types: ✅Credit Card
3D Secure 1 Supported: ❎No
3D Secure 2 Supported: ❎No
Regions: ✅North America
API endpoint URL:

Authentication and Security

Specific names for credentials: App Key, Api Key

Onboarding Merchants in:

  • United States

Additional Notes

The app_key credential required is not your Digitzs App Id. To generate an App Key, you will need to make a request to the Digitzs /auth/key endpoint using your App Id and API secret. Note that you can generate a new App Key at any time, however the previous App Key will be rendered unusable and you will need to update your Digitzs gateway in ChargeAutomation with your newly generated App Key. See the Digitzs API reference to see how you can generate a new App Key.

All requests to Digitzs require a merchant_id that corresponds to a customer on your platform. You will need to generate a new merchant in your Digitzs account via the Digitzs API for all of your customers. See the Digitzs API reference for details on creating a new merchant. Note that ChargeAutomation does not support creating merchants in your Digitzs account via the ChargeAutomation API. Once you’ve created a merchant you can send the merchant_id in subsequent requests via a gateway specific field.

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