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PAYEEZY (formerly GGE4) v27

Payeezy (formerly GGE4) v27 Gateway Guide

Written by Rowen D
Updated over a week ago

Services and Compatibility

Payment Gateway Company Name: Payeezy (formerly GGE4) v27
Services that work with ChargeAutomation: ✅Payeezy (formerly GGE4) v27
Supported operations: ✅Purchase, Authorize, Capture, Refund, Void, Verify, Store
Supported payment types: ✅Credit Card, Apple Pay
3D Secure 1 Supported: ❎No
3D Secure 2 Supported: ❎No
Regions: ✅North America
API endpoint URL:

Authentication and Security

Specific names for credentials: Gateway ID, Hmac Key, Key, Terminal Password

Onboarding Merchants in:

  • Canada

  •  United States

Additional Notes

Please confirm with First Data that your account is configured to work with the gateway previously called GGE4. For First Data’s new Payeezy gateway please review the documentation here.

This is the Payeezy (SOAP API) v27 gateway.

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